About Ceres Circle Farm
Ceres Circle Farm is a 36.8 acre sheep farm in Kelowna, British Columbia. It is a very beautiful farm that has been meticulously maintained. There are gentle rolling hills that are fenced into paddocks on both sides, as well as a natural uncultivated area full of edible and medicinal plants.
About The Opportunity
A sheep farming operation would be the ideal “flagship” enterprise as the property can accommodate maximum 35-45 sheep (or 100 animals including lambs) in rotation. There is infrastructure to service the animals from birth to slaughter, including a provincially licensed abattoir with walk-in cooler and freezer, and equipped cutting room. There is also housing for resident farmer/s.
As well as a sheep operation, there are opportunities for other agricultural enterprises on the land: i.e. the land is fertile and could sustain a market garden, and the wooded area would be ideal for pigs.
We are looking for people who are interested/excited to share the land, as well as people interested in forming a “group” to manage it; either part of an existing group or a new one (informal or formal). Â This is a long-term opportunity full of potential for a diversity of enterprises fostered by people with similar values in shared land tenure.
Get In Touch
If you are interested in this land opportunity, please submit a proposal consisting of the following criteria. To be considered in the initial interviews, please send in applications by August 7 at 12 p.m. We will continue to take applications after August 7 for the 2018 farming season until a suitable applicant is found.
Please send the proposal to: the BC Foodlands Cooperative at sustain@farmfolkcityfolk.ca, and ccâ Young Agrarians: farm@youngagrarians.org and land@youngagrarians.org.
- Describe the farm operation you plan on establishing and/or expanding. Include information on the kind of crop(s)/livestock you plan to grow/raise, etc.
- What is your farming experience and qualifications that indicate your ability to successfully execute your business plan?
- What cooperative or group experience do you have that indicates aptitude for a community farm opportunity?
- Please include three personal or professional references.
- Any other information that you think is important for us to consider.
I’m interested but I’m curious about the cost. Is it a monthly rental?
Hi Linda,
At this time, we are unable to give you a concrete answer as to the costs. The cost of leasing the land would be in line with going rate for the area, the amount of land leased and the services included. House rental would be separate and would likely be on the low end of the going rate for the area. Our experience is that the cost to lease land is somewhere between $100- $500 an acre per year – the cost going down per acre the more acres being leased. If a person leases one acre it might be $500 and if they lease 10 it might be $200-$300 for a total of $2,000 -$3,000. The biggest cost is not the lease but the set up costs i.e. the cost of purchasing the sheep and feeding them until they are ready for market.
A person can build the stock slowly of course, borrow the money, which with a long term lease, they should have no trouble doing. The house needs work and the farmer/s might fix up the house as a trade that would help defer the cost of rental. Part of any business plan includes a budget to capitalize the business which would be the responsibility of the farmer to figure out. There may be support available to help with business plans.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, we suggest doing so before August 7 outlining your business model. Thank you!
I will be responsible for maintaining a Cotswold flock for Bev Davis of Lashburn Sask. Bev is 82 and maintains the largest flock of this breed in Canada.Currently ,I am in Langley BC and am interested in moving to the N Okonogan so I can carry Bev”s work forward.I have had the Champion ram at IPE with my good ram Eagle Hills 6X. When Bev can no longer have sheep the Cotswolds of Eagle Hills will be my responsibility.with that in mind I have partnered with a young couple in Langley to help me move forward with finding a good farm that produces enough pasture to run 40 head of ewes plus rams.I mainly train and teach Riding (50 years with horses).i am a Master Breeder of poultry,Have shown at IPE for many years and am the Rare Breeds Canada coordinator for Equines and waterfowl.
Hi Louisa,
Thank you for your comment. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for this opportunity, please send an application including the criteria listed in the post to the BC Foodlands Cooperative at sustain@farmfolkcityfolk.ca, and ccâ Young Agrarians: farm@youngagrarians.org and land@youngagrarians.org. We look forward to hearing from you!
Hello was wondering do you buy the sheep you have are the ones we raise at the moment just a couple of acres in Prince George Bc and i have 3 purebred horned dorsets and a couple crossbred ewes and raise exotic chickens and pheasants and peacocks it would be a better area to market and sell your animals especially with an abbitior there so you can process your meat and sell it
also could you build a little house there as i have build one here for my son who has special needs
Thank you William
Hi William,
If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit an application to the emails listed in the post outlining your business model and proposal for the land. There is potentially housing available on the land, though due to ALR regulations adding more housing might be difficult. Thank you!
I submitted an application for this. I’m new to farming but I’m very intrested and would like to form a group. I live in Kelowna and think it’s a fantastic opportunity. Hoping to hear from you guys.
Let me know if the group idea works and are you looking for other interested group members! I used to live in kelowna , love to go back, also have organic farming experience and a horse and a sheep dog!
Hi, just curious if they would consider a long term lease to plant cherry or a vineyard on the land?
Hi Gordie, please submit any inquiries via the information in the blog post. Thank you!
Wondering if there is anythong available from osoyoos to vernon for a long term lease to plant cherry or wine grapes
Hi Gordie, Please visit the Young Agrarians UMAP Land Listings to view opportunities around BC: maps.youngagrarians.org
As well, we encourage you to add yourself as a Farmer Looking for Land (click the “New Listing” button on the map and select “Farmer Looking for Land” to answer the questionnaire).
Young Agrarians Land Matcher, Lower Mainland
I’d be interested in the group idea part of an organic community children horses.. and of course sheep!!