Tag Archives: financial planning

Holistic Management Course: Ferintosh, AB

Posted by Dana Penrice on February 29, 2016

Holistic Management Course

Note to readers: This event will be running again in early 2017. If you are interested contact Takota Coen at takota_coen@live.com or (780) 781-5929. Deep Roots Design is hosting a six-day Holistic Management course taught by HMI Certified Educators Brian Luce and Kelly Sidoryk that will provide participants with the tools and knowledge to make decisions towards a known direction. Participants will learn how to apply the principles of Holistic Management to their operation through creating a Holistic Goal, a profs-based fnancial plan and a biological/grazing plan. Hands on learning will be supported through a combination of large group, small group and independent activities. At the end … Continue reading Holistic Management Course: Ferintosh, AB