Tag Archives: transition planning

Transition Case Story: GOOD EARTH FARM

Posted by Darcy Smith on March 08, 2021 5 Comments

Young Agrarians transition - A young man and an elder woman are seated together smiling at the camera

COMMUNITY LENDING  at GOOD EARTH FARM, Gabriola Island, B.C. What are you to do when you want to buy the farm but don’t qualify for a traditional mortgage? This is a story about how relationships and community can come together to support the next generation to buy the farm through private lending. Located on Gabriola Island, just off the city of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, Good Earth Farm produces mixed vegetables on about three acres using regenerative growing practices. The original farmers, Rosheen Holland and Bob Shields, founded the farm in 1993 and ran it together for 22 years until … Continue reading Transition Case Story: GOOD EARTH FARM