Tag Archives: Potluck

March 12, 2023: DEMMITT, AB – Peace Country Winter Social

Posted by Kolby Peterson on February 16, 2023

You’re invited to a Peace Country Winter Social at the Demmitt Hall, AB! You don’t have to be a farmer to join in! Farmer Socials connect farmers as well as anyone who loves food, farming, and getting out onto the land. All are welcome! The truth of the matter is – it has been too long. The farmers of the Peace Country want to get together, eat some good food, catch up on who’s doing what on which farm, and indulge in our favourite things – eating and talking farmin’. Of course, the pub will be open. This will be … Continue reading March 12, 2023: DEMMITT, AB – Peace Country Winter Social

AUG 14, 2022: SAANICH, BC – Farm Tour and Potluck at Peas n’ Carrots Farm

Posted by Azja Jones Martin on July 21, 2022

You’re invited to a Farm Tour and Potluck at Peas n’ Carrots Farm in Saanich, B.C! Want to connect with fellow farmers and food lovers? Come out to take a break, share food, and nerd out on farming on August 14th! Farmer Katie runs Peas n’ Carrots Farm on leased land she accessed through the B.C. Land Matching Program. Now in her second full year on the land, she grows mixed vegetables for a CSA, her onsite farm stand and two farmers’ markets. Production is focused on the food staples that keep Katie’s family fed and ignite a passion for … Continue reading AUG 14, 2022: SAANICH, BC – Farm Tour and Potluck at Peas n’ Carrots Farm

AUG 7, 2022: ARMSTRONG, BC – Land Social at Pilgrims’ Produce

Posted by Tessa Thompson on July 05, 2022

You’re invited to an outdoor Land Social and Farm Tour at Pilgrims’ Produce – with local live musicians Roots and Strings – in Armstrong, B.C! If you’re curious about what land matching and sharing is all about, or just want to check out what your local farmers are up to and enjoy some live music, join us for the event.  Pilgrims’ Produce is a certified organic farm featuring fruit and nut orchards and 7 acres in market garden veggies – there’s lots to see here! The farm celebrated 30 years in 2021, and last year saw the land and farm … Continue reading AUG 7, 2022: ARMSTRONG, BC – Land Social at Pilgrims’ Produce

VIRTUAL FARM TOUR – Cold Climate Water Resilience Virtual Field Day at Coen Farm

Posted by Alex on March 10, 2020

coen farm, permaculture, tour, young agrarians

Join us for a VIRTUAL field day at Coen Farm to learn about simple, low-cost, low-tech systems for harvesting snowmelt to improve your water resilience in a cold climate. During this video tour you will see over 3 km of swales, 40 million litres of water storage in ponds, dams, dugouts and wetlands, solar-powered water pumping, gravity water reticulation system, and energy-free livestock waterers. If the spring melt cooperates then there will also be a flood irrigation demonstration into one of the swales to water one of the farm’s food forests. The tour will also cover topics like permaculture design, … Continue reading VIRTUAL FARM TOUR – Cold Climate Water Resilience Virtual Field Day at Coen Farm

POSTPONED – MAR 23, 2020: CHILLIWACK, BC – Farmer Self Care Social

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 04, 2020

self care social, young agrarians, vancouver, chilliwack

Photo of Late Bloomers Flower Farm, by Damaris Riedinger We are postponing this event. If you’d like to be notified by email when we reschedule, please register on eventbrite.  Stay well farm friends! Join us in Chilliwack, BC for a casual social and potluck on self care for farmers. Make 2020 your best season yet by establishing self care practices to reduce stress and enhance your wellbeing both on and off-farm. Farmer Self Care Social WHEN: Monday, March 23rd, 2020 – 6pm-8:30pm WHERE: Thrive Collective: 203-5960 Tyson Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 3R5 SCHEDULE: 6:00pm- Introduction to the Facility (facilitated by a Thrive Collective Counsellor) 6:30pm- Introduction … Continue reading POSTPONED – MAR 23, 2020: CHILLIWACK, BC – Farmer Self Care Social

MARCH 7, 2020: POWELL RIVER, BC – Farm Tour & Potluck at Terra Nostra Farm

Posted by Michalina Hunter on February 14, 2020

terra nostra farm, march 7, courtenay, powell river, comox, sunshine coast, farm tour, young agrarians

Join us at Terra Nostra Farm in Powell River, BC for a farm tour and potluck social! Date: Saturday, March 7, 2020 Schedule: 4-5 Farm Tour 5-5:30 Intro Circle 5:30-7:30 Potluck Social Location: 3244 Byron Road, Powell River, BC What to Bring: Please bring a dish to share, a plate and tools to eat with, and a chair or a blanket. SHARE: Planning on joining us? Please invite your friends and share the Facebook event! This event is free and open to everyone! About Terra Nostra Farm Aaron has loved gardening and plants his whole life and decided to start a farm about 5 years ago. Terra Nostra is … Continue reading MARCH 7, 2020: POWELL RIVER, BC – Farm Tour & Potluck at Terra Nostra Farm

NOV 3, 2019: SALMO, BC – Tour, Soup-Making & Potluck at Forrest Farm

Posted by Hailey Troock on October 16, 2019

Forrest farms, salmo, quaills

Join Young Agrarians at Forrest Farm in Salmo, BC for a daylight savings farm tour, outdoor fireside duck soup-making and potluck social. This event is free and open to everyone. Please let us know if you can join us by selecting “Going” in the Facebook event. This will help to ensure we have enough soup to go around!  WHEN: Sunday, November 3, 2019 | 2-6pm LOCATION: 1244 Airport Road, Salmo B.C. V0G 1Z0 BRING: Please bring a dish to share, tools to eat with, warm footwear and clothes and a chair or a blanket. At this time of year, we’re always prepared for a little bit … Continue reading NOV 3, 2019: SALMO, BC – Tour, Soup-Making & Potluck at Forrest Farm


Posted by Alex on September 24, 2019

Julia Martin was a city girl through-and-through until she got her calling to country living and farm life in 2012. Starting out small, Julia eventually branded to Farmer Dell – raising sheep, chickens, and adopting permaculture farming. Now her farmstead flourishes. Take a look into life with Farmer Dell on Facebook or by following @FarmerDell! Join the tour to learn about sheep and local fibre arts as well as permaculture at a farm scale! Earlier that day there will also be a Fall Harvest Sale where Julia will be selling lamb sausage, various cuts of lamb, eggs, garden produce, wool … Continue reading OCT 12, 2019: WOODBEND, AB – FARMER DELL FARM TOUR & POTLUCK

SEPT 8, 2019: BUFFALO CREEK, BC – Land Social! Farm Tour, Potluck & Leasing Discussion at Big Rock Ranch

Posted by Michalina Hunter on July 22, 2019

big rock ranch, land social, forest grove, 100 mile house, buffalo creek,

Join us at Big Rock Ranch in Buffalo Creek (near 100 Mile House), BC for a farm tour, potluck social, and discussion on farming on leased land! Come get inspired and learn about the incredible farming that can be done on leased land! Farmers Robin and Johan have built up a hugely productive farm in the few years they been leasing this land, and we are lucky to be able to spend the day learning on-site about their experiences building the farm and business! They focus heavily on season extension in an area that gets frost almost every month of the year, and still manage to produce vegetables weeks … Continue reading SEPT 8, 2019: BUFFALO CREEK, BC – Land Social! Farm Tour, Potluck & Leasing Discussion at Big Rock Ranch