Tag Archives: Fungi

EVENT RECAP: Farm Tour and Potluck at Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms

Posted by Nyree Marsh on June 20, 2024

A lovely group of 20 mushroom enthusiasts and those curious about mushrooms gathered on the sunny afternoon of May 30th for a tour of Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms. The tour was hosted by the delightful Robin Mercy at his farm in Kalso, BC, situated on the unceded and traditional territory of the Ktunaxa, Sinixt, and Syilx Nations. Founded by Robin in 2017, Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms is a certified organic mushroom spawn supplier and fresh mushroom farm. The tour commenced outside the lab, where Robin showcased the equipment used to sterilize the wood-based substrate used for cultivating mushrooms. All mushrooms grown at … Continue reading EVENT RECAP: Farm Tour and Potluck at Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms

MAY 30, 2024: KASLO, BC – Farm Tour and Potluck at Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms

Posted by Kim Watt on April 29, 2024

Calling all fungi-enthusiasts! Join us for a tour of Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms and learn about mushroom production, followed by a potluck dinner in the garden. Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms is a certified organic mushroom and spawn producer that has been operating in Kaslo, BC since 2017. On the farm tour you will have a chance to see their mushroom production process and learn about both commercial high-production systems, as well as backyard mushroom growing methods such as inoculated logs and growing King Stropharia in the garden. DATE: Thursday, May 30, 2024 • 3:30 pm – 7 pm PST LOCATION:  Syilx, Sinixt, … Continue reading MAY 30, 2024: KASLO, BC – Farm Tour and Potluck at Mr. Mercy’s Mushrooms

EVENT RECAP: Wet and Wild Farming Fungi Forum

Posted by Hailey Troock on February 20, 2020

Nearly 50 people joined Young Agrarians at Ainsworth Hot Springs Resort on Sunday, February 16, 2020, for a half-day of discussions all about farming and fungi! This inaugural event solely about MUSHROOMS filled up in two days after registration opened, with a waiting list. People joined us from as far away as Armstrong, Revelstoke and Naksup. Without a doubt, we’ll be talking farming and fungi at another upcoming YA event.  The forum brought together four local guest speakers to the Nasookin meeting room, with a stunning view of Kootenay Lake.  To provide the group with an introduction to fungi farming in the … Continue reading EVENT RECAP: Wet and Wild Farming Fungi Forum

FEB 16, 2020: AINSWORTH HOT SPRINGS – Wet and Wild: Farming Fungi Forum

Posted by Hailey Troock on December 05, 2019 2 Comments

Join Young Agrarians at Ainsworth Hot Springs Resort on Sunday, February 16, 2020, for a day all about farming and fungi! This event is by sliding-scale donation from $25-$40, lunch is included. This event requires registration, as there are only 30 spots available. REGISTER HERE! WHEN: Sunday, February 16, 2020 | 10am-2pm LOCATION: Ainsworth Hot Springs Resort, Ainsworth, BC BRING: Your questions, your curiosity and your SWIM SUIT AND TOWEL, if you want to take a dip before or after the event! Entry is $14 to the pools and is not included in the donation to this event. Lunch, coffee, and tea are included … Continue reading FEB 16, 2020: AINSWORTH HOT SPRINGS – Wet and Wild: Farming Fungi Forum

APRIL 14, 2019: CALGARY, AB – Growing Edible Mushrooms in Your Home

Posted by Alex on March 29, 2019 8 Comments

Introductory Series Workshop: Growing Edible Mushrooms in Your Home   When: April 14, 2019, 1-4PM Where: 3402 8 Street SE, Calgary AB (Calgary – Classroom) Cost: $50 for the day Register: Pre-registration is required, tickets available through Fungi Akuafo   About the Workshop This event takes place in the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta and the City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III. ******************************************************************************** Are you a small farmer? DIY grower? Landscape designer? Fungi fanatic, or local eater? Then this workshop might be for you! This Introductory Series Workshop … Continue reading APRIL 14, 2019: CALGARY, AB – Growing Edible Mushrooms in Your Home