Tag Archives: esquimalt

FARM JOB: Victoria, BC – Belle-Isle Farm, Part-time Farm Hand/Collaborator!

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 29, 2021

Belle-Isle Farm in Victoria, BC is seeking a Part-time Farm Hand or farming collaborator! ABOUT Belle-Isle Farm Belle-Isle Farm is a 1 acre market garden tucked against the North Side of Mount PKOLS. We grow a wide seasonal variety of fruits and vegetables, using all organic inputs and practices (but without a certification). The majority of our produce grown goes to our veggie box program (CSA), with the rest being sold at the Esquimalt Farmers Market and some local grocery stores. The majority of the farm work is done with hand tools and with the help of a rototiller and … Continue reading FARM JOB: Victoria, BC – Belle-Isle Farm, Part-time Farm Hand/Collaborator!