Tag Archives: Employment Opportunity

JOB: Field Hand at Zaklan Heritage Farm, Surrey BC

Posted by Kristen Nammour on January 19, 2016

Field view of zaklan heritage farm job getting done

Organic farm job opportunity available for either F/T or P/T seasonal employment! About Zaklan Heritage Farm: We are a few young farmers running a small mixed vegetable farm in the heart of Surrey (30 min. drive from Vancouver). In addition to our 1.5 acres in veggie production, we have a flock of laying hens that we rotate around the pasture. Our operation is run with a small walk- behind BCS tractor and hand tools (think Jean-Martin Fortier methods). During the growing season we attend 2 markets a week from June-October, all within 20 min of the farm. We also run a growing CSA program, which we hope … Continue reading JOB: Field Hand at Zaklan Heritage Farm, Surrey BC