Tag Archives: farm funding

How to Apply for Farm Grants in Canada

Posted by Rachel Spruston on January 17, 2022 15 Comments

As a new farmer, access to capital in the early years of operation, or during periods of significant change such as farm transition or expansion, can be a challenge. The good news is, there are many farm grants for beginning farmers in Canada, and we’ve compiled a list of some of our favourites below, as well as tips for applying. This post was inspired by and based on the generous expertise of Andrew Rosychuk of Rosy Farms, a regenerative haskap farm in Alberta and a speaker for our Business Bootcamp. Over the course of his farming career Andrew has become … Continue reading How to Apply for Farm Grants in Canada

B.C. FUNDING: Emergency On-Farm Support Fund – Deadline Nov 17

Posted by Michalina Hunter on October 27, 2020

The Investment Agriculture Foundation is accepting applications for the Emergency On-Farm Support Fund. The program assists agricultural producers with some of the incremental costs for improving the health and safety of farm workers and limiting the spread of COVID-19 in agricultural operations. The program will provide up to $100,000 per recipient in non-repayable, cost-shared funding. Applications must include at least $5,000 in total eligible costs to be considered for the program. Who Can Apply? Eligible applicants are primary agricultural producers whose operations are based in British Columbia and meet the following criteria: be located in British Columbia; be one of … Continue reading B.C. FUNDING: Emergency On-Farm Support Fund – Deadline Nov 17