What’s the best marketing channel for your farm? Weekly CSA boxes, farmers’ markets, online sales, events or all of the above and more?
Join this 90-minute webinar with farmer and farm marketing expert Kendall Ballantine to learn about the marketing channels available to entrant (and seasoned) farmers. You will learn about the pros and cons of each marketing channel, and develop the skills to identify which marketing channel(s) will best meet the needs of your farm and your customer base. The webinar includes tips, tricks and strategies for marketing your farm and its products through startup and beyond, as well as a lively Q&A with Kendall.
Who is this information for?
This webinar is geared towards farmers who are in the planning stages or first few seasons of starting their farm business.
If you are in B.C. and interested in finding land to lease, or a farmer to lease your land, or if you need support developing an agreement with someone you found yourself, please reach out to the BCLMP via the webpage, or by emailing bclmp@youngagrarians.org.
This content is available for free.
We welcome donations via the registration page. Your donations help Young Agrarians support new and young farmers to grow food and access programs!
The video content is the How to Market a New Farm with Kendall Ballatine webinar originally presented on February 21st, 2024. Have questions about the B.C. Land Matching Program? Reach out to the BCLMP Coordinator at bclmp@youngagrarians.org.
The B.C. Land Matching Program is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative, with additional support from Columbia Basin Trust, Bullitt Foundation, Cowichan Valley Regional District, and the Real Estate Foundation of BC.
About Kendall Ballantine
At the age of 27, Kendall ditched the power suits of her corporate career, as Director of Operations in grocery supply chain, for a life in gumboots on the farm when she opened her business Central Park Farms. Fast forward, and eight years later Central Park Farms employs a small team and is a growing direct-to-consumer producer of beef, pork, and chicken supplying the Metro Vancouver market. Having won ‘Farmers Market Vendor of the Year’ from the BC Association of Farmers Markets and the ‘Under 40 Entrepreneur of the Year’ award from the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce, Kendall’s passion is in helping other farmers and food producers gain the tools to grow their businesses for long-term success.
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