SURVEY: On-Farm Renewable Energy Generation

Posted by Michalina Hunter on February 17, 2022

Canadian farmers are invited to participate in a survey about on-farm renewable energy generation. The primary target is farmers who are currently producing renewable energy on their farms, although non-renewable energy producers are welcome to participate as well.

Survey length is approximately 5 – 10 minutes and will close on March 15, 2022.

>> Take the Survey Here <<

About the Researchers

We are a group of four students who are completing our third year of the Bachelor of Applied Science Agribusiness program at Olds College. We are currently completing an in-class research project with the aim of determining if on-farm renewable energy generation is economically feasible for Alberta farmers and which models are effective and available for adoption. We are also looking to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the available models and determine the limitations that may be inhibiting the adoption of on-farm renewable energy generation.

Any questions or concerns may be directed to Zetteh Gunner at