Regeneration Canada is a new non-profit organization seeking to catalyze a paradigm change in Canada towards regenerative agriculture and land management. It was born following the Living Soils Symposium, which took place in Montreal in October 2017 in Montreal. Young Agrarians is proud to be a member of Regeneration Canada.
Representatives from international soil and climate initiatives gathered with farmers, researchers, students, and committed consumers at that event and left inspired to take action. The organizers decided to continue to grow the movement beyond simply organizing the one annual event and to rally the many pioneering individuals and organizations who are working for change in the land management sector into a network. Land management includes agriculture, urban areas, forestry and resource extraction, all of which could be managed with regenerative principles, protecting our climate and our natural resources for future generations.
We believe that within this complex ecosystem of stakeholders, we can only create significant change if we include all stakeholders in the conversation. From consumers to producers to businesses, non profit groups and policy makers, we hope to bring together a multi-stakeholder network, to raise awareness, create dialogue and foster innovation and collaboration. Our tools are an online platform, as well as physical events and gatherings, including an annual Living Soils Symposium.
If you are interested in learning more and want to join the network, find us at