Want to learn how to grow greens in a greenhouse that produces almost zero greenhouse gases while wearing your St. Patty’s Day greens? If so, this on-farm field day is for you!
Rural Routes to Climate Solutions has teamed up with Young Agrarians and Country Thyme Farm to host a pay-what-you-can ($10 or less) workshop on how to build, design and operate your own passive solar greenhouse. Learn about the possibilities and what to expect when growing veggies in a greenhouse primarily heated by the sun.
The workshop will be led by Daniel Chappell, a professional horticulturalist and instructor at Olds College. Daniel is the owner of Country Thyme Farm, a small vegetable and poultry farm in Bowden, Alberta. He has been growing for over 10 years, and has operated a CSA program in the Red Deer area since 2011. http://
When: March 17, 2018 1:00pm to 5:00pm
This workshop is perfect for current and aspiring CSA operators and market gardeners who want to reduce costs and their carbon footprint. Space for the workshop is limited by the size of the greenhouse (around 30 people) so please register now: https://goo.gl/forms/
And at the end of the day we will be holding a St. Patty’s Day mixer in the greenhouse. Hope you can join us!
Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (#RR2CS) is a program of the Stettler Adult Learning Centre. We empower farmers in Central Alberta with climate solutions that benefit farms and ranches. Our partners include Organic Alberta, Young Agrarians and many farmers across the province.