Low Stress Livestock Handling with Dylan Biggs- RECAP

Posted by Lilli Klamke on September 17, 2019


RECAP: Low-Stress Livestock Handling with Dylan Biggs


“SQUEEZING- NOT PUSHING!” – Overcoming our human impulses…

This last weekend a number of Younger and Elder Agrarians from across Alberta gathered at Nature’s Way Farm in Grimshaw, AB to participate in the Low Stress Livestock Handling workshop with Dylan Biggs from TK Ranch.

Dylan has got an exceptional set of skills not only on working with cattle but also in teaching how to handle livestock in a quiet and most of all effective way. We eagerly listened to his captivating descriptions and stories throughout the two-day workshop. But not only that, but we also got the chance to experience how to work and separate yearlings in the coral system. Even bringing a herd of animals through obstacles in the middle of the field demonstrated how much is possible – WITHOUT  shouting, moving arms, breaking a nervous sweat or poking the animals.


Many thanks to the Grimshaw & District Ag Society as well as the Berwyn Ag Society to support Young Agrarians with this important workshop. Also a big Thank You to Mary and Peter Lundgard for being the most accommodating host at Nature’s Way Farm.

Thank you to all our participants to travel so far north.


Facilitator Bio:

Dylan Biggs is living and farming with his family at TK Ranch near Coronation in east-central  Alberta. The third-generation family farm is located in the remote grasslands where they are stewarding the wild prairie lands and run one of the largest cattle herds in the province. For decades the cattle handling expert has taught numerous farmers about the behavior of their animals.
