FARM JOB: Invermere, BC – Groundswell Network Society, Apple Rescue, Garden & Greenhouse Intern

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 07, 2022

Groundswell Network Society in Invermere, BC is seeking an Apple Rescue, Garden & Greenhouse Intern!

ABOUT Groundswell Network Society

Groundswell is a community organization education facility that runs an iconic 2,400 ft demonstration greenhouse and gardens. Our greenhouse has green technology which allows us to operate all year round. We have a market garden as well as community rental gardens. Our mission is to assist the community to learn about regenerative gardening and to create a food secure community.
Beside running the greenhouse and gardens we have a Apple Rescue Program which reaches out to the community and harvests apples and fruit from trees which owners are not either able to harvest or are away during the harvest season. The apple rescue helps to prevent bear-human conflict.
As well we put on workshops, talks and tours to educate both our local population of adults and students as well as visitors on gardening practices.

Our gardens and greenhouse while not certified organic follow regenerative farming and living soil practises. As well we conserve water, compost and have a healthy population of red wiggler worms. We grow flowers, vegetables and have a food forest with a wide variety of fruit. We have used permaculture values to create our garden area. Our vision is to create a food secure community.


We are looking for a young enthusiastic person to fill a dynamic position with the Groundswell Network Society in Invermere BC.

The position of Apple Rescue, Greenhouse, Garden Intern is a part time spring summer and fall position ( May to the end of October), which requires good computer and organizational skills, as well as gardening knowledge and good people skills. A willingness to work in outdoor conditions and do physical work is required, as well as working well with both staff and volunteers and the ability to be good with the public.


This position includes the following activities:

  • Assisting with work in the Greenhouse and Gardens such as starting seedlings, transplanting, amending plants, weeding, pruning, harvesting, composting, pest control. Sales of Harvest
  • Assisting with special events
  • Greeting visitors
  • Sales of produce
  • Cleaning, organizing and maintaining an efficient greenhouse
  • Looking after equipment: cleaning, putting away and reporting immediately on problems
  • Be willing to help our garden renters with problem solving
  • Organizing volunteers to do apple/fruit rescue
  • Advertising fruit rescue service to the community
  • Listing perspective local residents who have trees in need of picking.
  • Contacting residents with Apple trees
  • Record amount of Apples/fruit rescued
  • Finding way to use rescued fruit: Quality Bakery Crabapple jelly, Animal food, volunteers, sales.
  • Keeping good records of volunteers, residents trees, amount of fruit, ways to use.


Term: Starting date: May 1, 2022 and is a 6 month position with the possibility of being extended.

Hours per week: 35 hrs weekly

Wage: The position starts @ $19.00/hr


Please provide a current resume and a cover letter with your contact information to

Deadline to apply: March 31, 2022

When applying, please mention you saw this posting at

LEARN MORE ABOUT Groundswell Network Society

Instagram: @groundswellnetworksociety

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