A good friend, colleague, raw dairy advocate, and all-around bovine enthusiast recently sent me the below announcement about the group she co-founded that intends to establish a farm-based community on Southern Vancouver Island. More details can be read on the group’s blog.
In order to address our concerns about the future integrity of our planet, we want and intend to create together a way of life that encourages people to learn and grow toward a more sustainable future. We envision an interdependent, cooperative and learning community that strives to: preserve and protect the land and water; provide sustenance to each other; and be interconnected with the larger society.
Does living in a community of people dedicated to such a vision appeal to you? Are you ready? Do you feel a need to live closer to the earth? Do you want to create a life that more fully reflects your desire to contribute to the betterment of the world? And have some fun doing that?
We are forming a cooperative and will have many ways to participate as resident farmers and also as individuals or groups who would like access to land to grow their own enterprise.
We are based in Sooke, BC. Check out our blog at villagefarmblog.wordpress.com
Email is futurevillagefarm@hotmail.ca or call Susan at 250 642 1714
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Calling all Sookies! (no, that’s not a Canadian way to call cows) . . . If you’re here, you know.
A little town outside my hometown is looking for farmers for a coop – check it out if you’re in the area.