Avian Influenza in BC: What you need to know

Posted by Michalina Hunter on April 11, 2022

UPDATE – April 20, 2022

The Chief Veterinary Officer has issued an Animal Health Act (AHA) – General Order regarding the commingling of birds.
Commingling of birds restricted
The order, as an urgent interim measure, applies only to BC Premises Identification (ID) registrants.  The ministry is working to expand application of the order to all persons responsible for birds and expects a further order will be issued soon.  The ministry strongly requests and recommends that all small lot and backyard flock poultry and domestic waterfowl producers avoid commingling events.  Protecting people and birds from avian influenza requires the cooperation and effort of everyone.
Questions about movement restriction should be directed to the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food at 604-855-8255. Support is available everyday (including holidays) from 8:30am to 6pm (PDT).
Additional Information and Resources
The Ministry would like to provide the following information and resources for small flock owners following the recent detections of Avian Influenza (AI) in the United States and Canada. Information about the AI and the Ministry’s and CFIA’s response is available: Avian Influenza (gov.bc.ca) or Avian influenza (bird flu) – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (canada.ca).  
Bird owners are legally responsible to notify authorities of serious bird diseases such as bird flu. Do not take sick birds off the property. If a flock is suffering from any unexplained clinical signs or increased mortality, bird owners should contact a professional for help and sampling. 
If a bird owner suspects their flock is infected 
To receive assistance or to report any unexplained poultry illness or mortality, they can: 
·                     Call their nearest Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Animal Health office OR 
·                     Their private veterinarian, OR 
·                     The BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Animal Health Centre at 1-800-661-9903 
If a deceased wild bird is found: 
In B.C., the Wild Bird Mortality Investigation Program hotline, 1-866-431-2473, enables members of the public to report sightings of dead wild birds. If the report is assessed to require further investigation a biologist may retrieve the carcass for further testing. 

UPDATE- April 14, 2022

The Ministry of Agriculture has issued a General Order under the Animal Health Act that:

1) All persons responsible for chickens and turkeys in commercial operations regulated by one of the
a) the BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission;
b) the BC Chicken Marketing Board;
c) the BC Egg Marketing Board;
d) the BC Turkey Marketing Board; and

2) All persons responsible for ducks or geese in commercial bird and egg production operations,
where the population of birds is equal to or greater than 100.
In this order, “Poultry” means the chicken, ducks, geese, or turkeys in the above-listed commercial

Action: All live commercial Poultry in commercial operations must be maintained indoors for the period starting April 13, 2022 and ending at 11:59 p.m. on May 13, 2022, unless otherwise modified by the further order of an inspector.
For certainty, the above required action does not limit the sales, transportation or slaughter of Poultry, or the disposal of Poultry carcasses.

More info…

The following is from the Small-Scale Meat Processors Association (SSMPA):

On April 12, a sample from a broiler farm near Enderby was confirmed to be Avian Influenza (AI) by the CDC lab in Burnaby and the sample has been sent to the national lab in Winnipeg for confirmation that it is Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).  All producers within a 10 km radius of the farm have been notified.

Please read on for resources from BC Poultry Association, BC Ministry of Agriculture & Food, American Pastured Poultry Producers Association and more.

Pastured TurkeysAI can be transmitted directly from bird to bird through secretions and feces, and indirectly through human movement, contaminated feed, water, and equipment. Due to the threat and risks associated with AI, increased attention has been drawn to the ongoing need to protect domestic poultry through the effective use of on-farm biosecurity measures.

It is imperative that all producers follow the Red Biosecurity protocols to reduce the risk of spreading the disease. These protocols include those in the linked guide, but please refer to Protect My Flock – Biosecurity Guide for Non-Supply Managed Poultry for more details.

Below are some clinical signs that could indicate HPAI. It is important to understand that these signs are not definitive, as other diseases may present the same signs.  If you suspect your flock may be affected by AI, please contact your veterinarian for further assistance. Do not remove or transport dead birds off your farm without veterinarian approval.

  • Higher than normal death rate (not associated with other events)
  • Sharp reduction in feed and water consumption
  • Birds become very quiet
  • Respiratory problems: difficulty breathing, coughing, sneezing, snicking
  • Discharge from eyes and beak
  • Neurological signs: difficulty walking or twisted neck
  • Sharp drop in egg production
  • Swollen combs and wattle or bluish/purplish colour from lack of oxygen
  • Swelling around the eyes

Premises ID information is used to plan for and manage emergencies affecting livestock.  There is no cost to participate in the program, and registration is becoming mandatory in 2022.  For more information please visit: Premises ID – Province of British Columbia.

For more information about the disease and detections in Canada please visit: Avian influenza (bird flu) – Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

For information on AI specific to pastured poultry production, please visit: HPAI Resource Center for Pastured Poultry Growers – American Pastured Poultry Producers Association.

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