We are excited to announce that Young Agrarians is formally launching in Alberta!
As the recipient of the Peavey Mart Community Agricultural Grant, we are pleased to announce that Organic Alberta will be bringing Young Agrarians programming to Alberta.
This began with a group of dedicated farmers in Central Alberta who saw how Young Agrarians could benefit their communities and it grew from there. It is an exciting development as the movement continues to grow across Canada in growing the next generation of ecological farmers.
With $50,000 from the Peavey Mart Community Agricultural Grant, Young Agrarians will be working with farmers to organize farm tours, potlucks, mixers, and workshops across Alberta over the next two years. Events will create space for sharing knowledge, skills, tools, techniques, challenges and opportunities.
“The Young Agrarians program provides a sense of community to young farmers to help them be successful,” said Peavey Industries president Doug Anderson. “That kind of coordinated effort is a force to be reckoned with, and we’re delighted to help the next generation of farmers to succeed.”
Watch for more Alberta content on the YA website and social media streams and sign up for the Young Agrarians Newsletter.
But more importantly, join us at an upcoming event!
- February 25th – Olds, AB – Young Agrarian Mixer at the Organic Alberta and Alberta Farm Fresh Annual Conference
- March 8th – Pigeon Lake, AB – Young Agrarians Potluck held as part of the National Farmer’s Union Youth Retreat
- May 21st & 22nd – Castor, AB – Young Agrarians Farm Tour and Workshop at Red Tail Farms
Interested in bringing an event to your area? Contact:
Dana Penrice, Alberta Young Agrarians Coordinator
780-914-6282 | alberta@youngagrarians.org
In the photo: Dana Penrice (C&E Meats), Ang Hall (Prairie Gold Meats), Blake Hall (Prairie Gold Meats), Hawksley Hall (Prairie Gold Meats), Ted Chastko (C&E Meats), Doug Anderson (Peavey Industries, President) and Tim Hoven (Organic Alberta, Director & Hoven Farms)