Join Young Agrarians and FarmFolk CityFolk at Winderberry & Edible Acres Farm in Windermere, BC for a mobile seed cleaner demo, farm tour, and potluck social! This event is free and open to everyone.
Join us as anytime from 3:00 onward as we:
– Introduce you to the FarmFolk CityFolk mobile seed cleaner
– Talk about the essentials of seed cleaning
– Give you a chance to use some equipment and clean some of your own seed
Guided farm tours will be offered at 4 pm and 5 pm.
Join in the Young Agrarians potluck social at 6:00 pm with members of the local farming community. We’ll start things off with an introduction circle to get to know one another.
WHEN: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 | 3-7pm
LOCATION: 1681 HWY 93/95, Windermere, BC
BRING: Please bring a dish to share, tools to eat with and a chair or a blanket. Bring seeds to clean if you have them to use the mobile seed cleaner.
SHARE: Planning on joining us? Please invite your friends and share our Facebook event!
Children are welcome but please leave furry friends at home.
About Winderberry &
Edible Acres Farm + Cafe
First established in the 1960s, Winderberry Nursery came under the care of green-thumbed, thoughtful-hearted Jack Steedman and Glenda Wah in 1984. From two greenhouses, 2,500 square feet and a sell-out by June of that first year, the business has expanded over 35+ years to 25,000 square feet of greenhouse space along with a nursery specializing in hardy trees, shrubs and perennials, operating from March through October every year.
While Glenda and Jack remain the heartbeat of Winderberry, and are still involved in many aspects of the business, the next generation of family farmers have brought a new and renewed focus on innovative gardening, spectacular flowers and farm-to-table dining (meals serving the local community and summer time visitors to the Columbia Valley) to both commercial and retail customers in BC and Alberta.
Their daughters Lin and Anna have been involved in some capacity with the greenhouse and nursery since they were toddlers and have embraced the opportunity to take on the Winderberry legacy.
Lin along with husband Oliver and boys Cade and Ryley, run the certified-organic Edible Acres Farm and CSA program, and are frequent fixtures at summer farmers’ markets. And as a natural extension, offering farm-to-table deliciousness, Edible Acres Café & Catering is run by Anna with partner, Chef Randy MacSteven and their son Luke.
On any given day, you might find Papa Jack checking for eggs in the chicken coop with Ryley, age 3, or Luke age 8, delivering a basket of just-dug potatoes to his mum and dad in the café for the next day’s famous Eggs Benny, or Cade age 5, helping mom open up the greenhouse doors to say good morning to the plants. – All the signs of a growing family, in every way; a family whose values are rooted in healthy living, sustainability, and a deep love for the place that grows them all.
About the Mobile Seed Cleaner
Over the winter of 2018-2019 FarmFolk CityFolk has been designing and building a mobile seed cleaning trailer for seed growers in BC. Equipped with multiple pieces of equipment including a Clipper fanning mill, air column separator, zig-zag seed cleaner, air compressors, a selection of hand screens, and more – the seed trailer is a resource to help growers scale up seed production and more efficiently process seed to ready it for sale.
Housed in Abbotsford the trailer will soon be available for seed growers to use to clean bulk amounts of seeds. It can be used on site in Abbotsford or brought to your own farm for bigger seed cleaning jobs.
While we hope to train many growers and help growers clean much of their seed on this tour, we also hope the trailer will inspire others to start similar projects in their own regions to help create a network of seed cleaning sites across BC to help further scale up organic seed production across the province.
- Children are welcome to join us us for this event but please leave pets at home.
- Carpooling is encouraged! Have space in your car? Need a ride? Post in the Facebook event discussion!
- Not sure what to bring to the potluck? Consider supporting your local, organic farmer and/or food producer and find inspiration with their ingredients. Also, it is greatly appreciated if you can include a little card with the ingredients list for your dish in case people have food allergies/sensitivities
- Join our Young Agrarians Columbia Basin Facebook Group to stay up-to-date with all events.
Let us know you are joining us buy confirming your attendance on the Facebook event!
If you have any questions please contact
The Columbia Basin event series is made possible with funding from Columbia Basin Trust.
Funding for the seed portion of the event has been provided in part by the governments of Canada and British Columbia through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership – a five‐year (2018‐19 to 2022‐23), $3 billion investment by federal‐provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector, ensuring continued innovation, growth and prosperity.