Willow Springs Organic Farm is tucked at the far south end of the Salmo Valley, in a part of the Kootenays called Pend D’Oreille. At Willow Springs, Willy and his sweetheart Les grow food for their community year-round, off-grid. They manage a full market garden and keep animals, including horses. The farm is a place where love for living lightly and stewarding beauty is evolving truly creative farm systems.
What: Willy and Les are opening their farm to young agrarians from far and wide for a tour and potluck
When: July 26, 5:00pm
Where: 1810 McCormmick Creek Road, Pend D’Oreille, Salmo Valley, Kootenays, BC (there will be signs)
What to bring: Food to share and plates, utensils, etc. for eating your grub
To learn more about Willow Springs Organic Farm visit: https://www.facebook.com/WillowSpringsOrganicFarm
Questions? Email kootenays@youngagrarians.org.
Thanks to Columbia Basin Trust for supporting this Young Agrarians event!