Feb 12, Vallican, BC: YA Land Linking Workshop & Potluck Social in partnership with West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op

Posted by Sara Dent on January 08, 2015

Yeah Kootenays!

Want Land? Got Land?
Are you a farmer looking for land?
Are you a landowner looking for farmers?
We Want You!

Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land linking. If lucky, you may meet your future farmer, or find the right owner with a great piece of land to farm on! RSVP: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1152077

1pm-6pm Land Linking Workshop – Network, Talk Farm Business & Organizational Models, Leases & Licenses, Succession Planning

6pm-8pm Potluck & Social – Foodies & Farm Lovers: Join us for an evening of celebration for an all ages Young Agrarians dinner potluck. Bring a dish to share and tools to eat with. Bring loved ones and friends!

Location: Vallican Whole Community Centre, 3762 Little Slocan South Road, Vallican, BC V0G 2J0

YA Koots Laura Hannant-1

Photo from our awesome Tour de Farm event in Creston, BC, organized by Kootenay YA Coordinators Laura Hannant and Nigel Francis. Check out more pics here: flickr.com/groups/youngagrarians

Thank you to the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia and Columbia Basin Trust for support of our Kootenays Land Linking Workshops.REFbc Logo PMS