Tag Archives: yyc farm

AUG 7, 2021: CALGARY, AB – Farm Tour at Dirt Boys Urban Farm

Posted by Michelle Lam on July 31, 2021

You’re invited to a Farm Tour at Dirt Boys Urban Farm in Calgary, Alberta. Welcome to all who are interested in a tour of the urban farm plot and seacan cooler and discussions about regenerative farming and urban agriculture. Dirt Boys Urban farming has been running for about 6 years, though this is the second year that Michael has been running the farm. It was originally started by Dennis Scaland who also was a founding member of YYCGrowers farming co-op. The goal of Dirtboys is to grow produce for the Calgary community, which is mainly sold through a Community Supported … Continue reading AUG 7, 2021: CALGARY, AB – Farm Tour at Dirt Boys Urban Farm