Tag Archives: whiskey creek ranch

AUG 23, 2020: ROSE PRAIRIE, BC – Land Social at Whiskey Creek Ranch

Posted by Jolene Swain on August 12, 2020

land social at whiskey creek ranch

You’re invited to a socially-distanced Land Social at Whiskey Creek Ranch, a first generation, family-run farm in B.C’.s Peace region that is also home to Hip Peace Produce. If you’re curious about what land matching and sharing is all about, join us for the event. We will tour the farm, enjoy local food prepared by Whiskey Creek Ranch, and dive into the steps to building a successful farm on leased land. We’ll learn about how the B.C. Land Matching Program can help you find the perfect piece of land for you to build your dream farm business – or the perfect farmer … Continue reading AUG 23, 2020: ROSE PRAIRIE, BC – Land Social at Whiskey Creek Ranch