Tag Archives: victoriabc

FARM JOBS: VICTORIA, BC – Sea Bluff Farm, Farmhands

Posted by Michalina Hunter on February 04, 2021 2 Comments

sea bluff farm

Sea Bluff Farm in Metchosin (near Victoria, BC) is looking to hire two farm hands for the 2021 season! ABOUT SEA BLUFF FARM We are a 6-acre diverse vegetable farm located in Metchosin, a sweet rural enclave outside Victoria. While we grow a lot of greens and high value crops, we are most excited about really feeding people with our potatoes, squashes and brassicas. We grow about 40 varieties of fruits and veggies all year round. We are located on a bus route, a 10 minute walk from a stunning beach. There are great hiking and biking trails all around … Continue reading FARM JOBS: VICTORIA, BC – Sea Bluff Farm, Farmhands

[Filled] FARM JOB: VICTORIA, BC – Sea Bluff Farm, Farmhand

Posted by Michalina Hunter on August 21, 2020

sea bluff farm

This position has been filled through youngagrarians.org. VIEW MORE FARM JOBS AND APPRENTICESHIPS ON OUR JOBS PAGE.  Sea Bluff Farm in Metchosin (near Victoria, BC) is looking for another member to help them finish up the season on a high.  They’ve got a bountiful field of crops to bring in! ABOUT SEA BLUFF FARM We are a 6-acre diverse vegetable farm located in Metchosin, a sweet rural enclave outside Victoria. While we grow a lot of greens and high value crops, we are most excited about really feeding people with our potatoes, squashes and brassicas. We grow about 40 varieties … Continue reading [Filled] FARM JOB: VICTORIA, BC – Sea Bluff Farm, Farmhand

FARM JOB: VICTORIA, BC – Sea Bluff Farm, Farmhand

Posted by Michalina Hunter on January 07, 2019 2 Comments

Sea Bluff Farm in Metchosin (near Victoria, BC) is looking for a farmhand for 2019. Interested in starting your own farm one day? Sea Bluff Farm has a wealth of knowledge and has helped many new farmers launch their farming careers. And working just steps away from the beach sounds pretty nice too…  ABOUT SEA BLUFF FARM We are a 6-acre diverse vegetable farm located in Metchosin, a sweet rural enclave outside Victoria. While we grow a lot of greens and high value crops, we are most excited about really feeding people with our potatoes, squashes and brassicas. We grow about 40 … Continue reading FARM JOB: VICTORIA, BC – Sea Bluff Farm, Farmhand