Tag Archives: textiles

EVENT RECAP: Outdoor Flax Fibre Processing Workshop

Posted by Hailey Troock on January 27, 2022

On Sunday, October 3rd, the sixth event of the Young Agrarians 2021 Columbia Basin Farm Club series took place at Lakeside Park in Nelson, an outdoor, hands-on workshop all about flax fibre processing presented by Young Agrarians and the EartHand Gleaners Society. The workshop filled up quickly and 15 people spent the afternoon hearing from Jaymie Johnson, a member of EartHand Gleaners Society. Jaymie first grew flax for fibre in Vancouver in 2017 with the instruction of EartHand artists Sharon Kallis and Rebecca Graham. At that time EartHand had been growing flax for fibre in collaboration with community already for 4 … Continue reading EVENT RECAP: Outdoor Flax Fibre Processing Workshop

OCT 3, 2021: NELSON, BC – Outdoor Flax Fibre Processing Workshop

Posted by Hailey Troock on September 16, 2021

flax fibre processing

You’re invited to an outside in-person and hands-on workshop in Nelson all about flax fibre processing presented by Young Agrarians and the EartHand Gleaners Society. This is the sixth event of the Young Agrarians 2021 Columbia Basin Farm Club event series. What is a Farm Club? A Farm Club is when farmers come together to connect and nerd out with other farmers. It can be on any topic the group wants to discuss and can take many different shapes and sizes. The workshop will be led by Jaymie Johnson, member of EartHand Gleaners Society. Jaymie first grew flax for fibre … Continue reading OCT 3, 2021: NELSON, BC – Outdoor Flax Fibre Processing Workshop