Tag Archives: #stopendbridge

Farmers Pull Together! Vancouver, BC June 18 Potluck & Social

Posted by Sara Dent on June 15, 2015

Young Agrarians and Fresh Roots are organizing a Farmers For Pull Together potluck and social! Join us to to support BC First Nations in their legal battles against the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project. Bring something delicious to share, tools to eat with, and a $ donation of any size to contribute. Join the event on Facebook and invite your friends! All are welcome:) WHERE: Fresh Roots Schoolyard Farm @ VanTech Secoundary School, 2600 East Broadway, east side of school beside tennis court WHEN: Thursday, June 18th, 2015, 5-8pm We are farmers calling on fellow farmers to support BC First Nations … Continue reading Farmers Pull Together! Vancouver, BC June 18 Potluck & Social