Tag Archives: southeast kelowna

LAND OPPORTUNITY: 5 acres of vineyard – SE Kelowna, BC

Posted by Pascale Schittecatte on July 14, 2023

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This five acre vineyard is available for lease in the heart of the southeast Kelowna wine district. The available land has a sunny, south-facing slope and sandy terrain, and is currently planted to Gewürztraminer. The entire property is 15.95 acres in size, of which 5.16 acres are already leased to other operations (including a nursery). Additional land could be available for future leasing with the right … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: 5 acres of vineyard – SE Kelowna, BC