Petition to WorkSafe BC: Create a New Class of Small-Scale Vegetable Farming
Posted by Moss Dance on June 18, 2018 3 Comments
John Hofer, a farmer in our Young Agrarians network, is calling all small-scale veggie farmers and supporters of local agriculture to sign his petition. The petition is asking WorkSafeBC to set a lower insurance rate standard for small-scale vegetable growers. WORKSAFEBC – BACKGROUND The WorkSafeBC website describes how industries are classified in order to set premium rates. This is an excerpt from that description: Our classification system groups employers in similar industries with similar levels of risk, so we’re able to set fair rates and charge your industry an appropriate rate that reflects the rate of injury and illness in your industry. … Continue reading Petition to WorkSafe BC: Create a New Class of Small-Scale Vegetable Farming