Tag Archives: Small Farm

Nov. 20: Town Hall – Direct Farm Manitoba

Posted by Dana Penrice on October 30, 2020

WHEN: November 20, 2020 1pm-3pm WHERE: Virtually on Zoom WHO:  Direct Farm Manitoba members and future members! WHAT: Mark your calendars for the 2020 Direct Farm Manitoba Town hall. The town hall is a great chance to get together and discuss issues important to the direct farm marketing sector. Whether you are a long time member, or just starting out and wanting to know more about Direct Farm Manitoba, we hope to see you there! Have a policy concern, issue, or other topic you want to discuss? We want to hear about it! Contact us at events@directfarmmanitoba.ca HOW:  RSVP to events@directfarmmanitoba.ca

EVENT RECAP: Manitoba Mini-Mixer @ Rackham Hall

Posted by Dana Penrice on December 09, 2019

Young Agrarians comes to Manitoba! On December 7, 38 farmers and food lovers gathered at the beautiful Rackham hall near Riding Mountain National Park for a Young Agrarians Mixer. Being one of the first Young Agrarians gatherings in Manitoba, we spent time getting to know each other and discussing the needs and opportunities for new and existing farmers in the region. We met people raising livestock, organic grain, doing marketing gardening, growing mushrooms and of course much, much more! We shared laughs, ideas and of course some amazing food! Ryan Ryan Pengelly of Tamarack Farms near Erickson, MB spoke getting his farm started and … Continue reading EVENT RECAP: Manitoba Mini-Mixer @ Rackham Hall

FARM JOB: SAANICH, BC – Three Oaks Farm Manager

Posted by Moss Dance on December 04, 2017

Three Oaks Farm

Three Oaks Farm is seeking a manager for an established 2 acre certified organic farm on the Saanich Peninsula, Vancouver Island. About Three Oaks Farm Three Oaks Farm has been in operation at this location since 2006. We have approx 1/2 an acre in 4 unheated greenhouses and approx 1.5 acres in field crops. We grow 30-40 different crops and emphasize succession planting to have a steady supply of short term items. Salad greens, tomatoes, strawberries, leeks, peppers, carrots are some of our bigger crops. We do a lot of tomato plant sales (and other starts) in Spring for a commercial … Continue reading FARM JOB: SAANICH, BC – Three Oaks Farm Manager

FARM JOB: NANOOSE BAY – Rusted Rake Farm

Posted by Moss Dance on November 08, 2017

Rusted Rake Farm

Rusted Rake Farm is seeking a small team of positive, energetic, committed workers who are able-bodied and preferably experienced. About Rusted Rake Farm The farm is located on Vancouver Island, the land has a salmon bering stream, a pond and is surrounded by old maple trees and lots of wildlife. We have 18 acres of land, with a greenhouse and raised bed garden area. We grow a wide range of crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, greens and root vegetables. There is a field of wheat and hay, growing rye next season as well as a field of blueberries and raspberries. … Continue reading FARM JOB: NANOOSE BAY – Rusted Rake Farm

SMALL FARM WORKSHOP: Tips and Tools for Small-Scale, Diversified Farmers – Vancouver, BC

Posted by Moss Dance on January 15, 2017

Small Farm Workshop

The Society Promoting Environmental Conservation is pleased to host a day-long workshop series for farmers practicing small-scale, diversified agriculture. The event will bring together farmers and specialists in soil health, IPM, microclimate management and organics. If you’re looking for a day of practical, hands-on, collaborative small farm learning, this is the event for you! Our goal is for new entrant and experienced farmers alike to walk-away with a number of decision-making tools, new skills and resourced that will enhance operations on their unique farms. Lunch will be served and all farmers, farm staff, interns, etc. are welcome! We are looking … Continue reading SMALL FARM WORKSHOP: Tips and Tools for Small-Scale, Diversified Farmers – Vancouver, BC