Tag Archives: Scientific mysteries around ancient pictographs in Grotto Canyon

Farmer Podcast Club: 073 Scientific mysteries around ancient pictographs in Grotto Canyon, and how winters with lower snowpacks will effect local wildlife.

Posted by Lilli Klamke on May 28, 2019

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. 073 Scientific mysteries around ancient pictographs in Grotto Canyon, and how winters with lower snowpacks will effect local wildlife. – The Mountain Nature and Culture Podcast Released March 14, 2019 In this podcast Cover Crop Coach Steve Groff will lead a discussion that defines what arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is, what it does for plant growth, and the factors that discourage or encourage AMF — including what cover crop species are hosts and those that are not. (Courtesy of Cover Crop Innovators)   Listen to the full episode: 073 Grotto Canyon … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club: 073 Scientific mysteries around ancient pictographs in Grotto Canyon, and how winters with lower snowpacks will effect local wildlife.