Tag Archives: #SalmonArm

LAND OPPORTUNITY: Plots to Lease for Market Gardening – Silver Creek, BC

Posted by Pascale Schittecatte on February 02, 2024

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This 54-acre working farm has space to share! The landholders, farmers themselves, are offering 1-5 acres as small plots for aspiring or new market gardeners local to the Silver Creek or Salmon Arm areas. The soil is highly fertile and has only been used for hay or grazing since 2019, with no chemical applications. Prior to this, the land was in a corn-alfalfa rotation. There is … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: Plots to Lease for Market Gardening – Silver Creek, BC

NO LONGER AVAILABLE: 3 acres for Organic Farming in Salmon Arm, BC

Posted by Tessa Thompson on September 11, 2020 6 Comments

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND The whole gorgeous property is just under 20 acres, partially in the ALR. Some of the land is forested, some  is planted in productive permaculture and food systems and some is open fields full of potential!  The water for this property comes from the municipal system and there are hydrants located at various locations for hook up, but no irrigation infrastructure is in place for the portions of … Continue reading NO LONGER AVAILABLE: 3 acres for Organic Farming in Salmon Arm, BC

WITHDRAWN – Land Opportunity: Acreage for Lease, Salmon Arm B.C.

Posted by Tessa Thompson on September 16, 2018

Salmon Arm Land

ABOUT THE LAND:  Located 8 minutes outside downtown Salmon Arm, the property is a total of 17.5 acres, with 5 acres ready for agricultural use. The soil is rich and dark and there is ample water for irrigation, with 3 wells on the property, a small creek running through and at least one of the fields fully sub-irrigated. The rest of the property is hayfields, walnut grove and a few fruit trees, (also on good soil), plus approx. 3 acres of natural forest. There are multiple outbuildings available for use, including a chicken house, root cellar, and large hay barn. … Continue reading WITHDRAWN – Land Opportunity: Acreage for Lease, Salmon Arm B.C.

FARM JOB: SALMON ARM, BC – Hillside Dreams Goat Dairy

Posted by Moss Dance on May 11, 2018 2 Comments

Hillside Dreams Goat Dairy

Love goats? This farm job at Hillside Dreams Goat Dairy near Salmon Arm, BC might be for you! ABOUT HILLSIDE DREAMS GOAT DAIRY Our goat farm is located in Silver Creek, near Salmon Arm. We milk 180-220 goats, on a commercial dairy farm. We value farming and the lifestyle that is provides. For more info: hillsidedreamsgoatdairy.com QUALIFICATIONS Hillside Dreams Goat Dairy is looking for enthusiastic summer student. Suitable student would be self-motivated, innovative, hardworking, punctual, physically strong, patient, and able to work independently. An interest in working with animals, and critical thinking skills are essential. Must have reliable vehicle and valid driver’s … Continue reading FARM JOB: SALMON ARM, BC – Hillside Dreams Goat Dairy