Tag Archives: runaway moon theatre

AUG 7, 2022: ARMSTRONG, BC – Land Social at Pilgrims’ Produce

Posted by Tessa Thompson on July 05, 2022

You’re invited to an outdoor Land Social and Farm Tour at Pilgrims’ Produce – with local live musicians Roots and Strings – in Armstrong, B.C! If you’re curious about what land matching and sharing is all about, or just want to check out what your local farmers are up to and enjoy some live music, join us for the event.  Pilgrims’ Produce is a certified organic farm featuring fruit and nut orchards and 7 acres in market garden veggies – there’s lots to see here! The farm celebrated 30 years in 2021, and last year saw the land and farm … Continue reading AUG 7, 2022: ARMSTRONG, BC – Land Social at Pilgrims’ Produce