Tag Archives: RR2cs

JUNE 1, 2022: ONLINE – Solar Installations on the Farm

Posted by Michelle Lam on May 04, 2022

You’re invited to a free webinar on Solar Installations on the Farm. It’s well-known that Alberta has some of the best potential for solar power in all of Canada. It’s also common knowledge that installing solar panels on your property can drastically reduce electricity bills.  In addition to these benefits, a solar installation can also be an upgrade that pays for itself, protects your farm from rising energy costs, increases your property value, all while protecting the environment for future generations.   It’s getting harder and harder to ignore solar energy so Richard Fleck of KCP Energy is back to talk … Continue reading JUNE 1, 2022: ONLINE – Solar Installations on the Farm

MAY 4, 2022: ONLINE – Biochar, Compost, and Agroforestry

Posted by Michelle Lam on April 20, 2022

You’re invited to a free webinar on Biochar, Compost, and Agroforestry. Biochar is a charcoal-like substance that is made by burning organic material from agricultural and food wastes. It is a technology that is showing promise in improving soil quality, reducing waste, and even producing energy as a byproduct. But what exactly is biochar and what is it made of? Join Young Agrarians and Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (RR2CS) to learn about some exciting developments in Biochar in Alberta. Rob Lavoie of AirTerra will be joining us to talk about AirTerra’s plans to build a large-scale commercial biochar production … Continue reading MAY 4, 2022: ONLINE – Biochar, Compost, and Agroforestry