Tag Archives: radiolab

Farmer Podcast Club:Dispatch 2: Every Day is Ignaz Semmelweis Day

Posted by Lilli Klamke on April 07, 2020

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. Dispatch 2: Every Day is Ignaz Semmelweis Day– Radiolab Released April 1, 2020 It began with a tweet: “EVERY DAY IS IGNAZ SEMMELWEIS DAY.” Carl Zimmer — tweet author, acclaimed science writer and friend of the show — tells the story of a mysterious, deadly illness that struck 19th century Vienna, and the ill-fated hero who uncovered its cure … and gave us our best weapon (so far) against the current global pandemic. This episode was reported and produced with help from Bethel Habte and Latif Nasser.   Listen to the … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club:Dispatch 2: Every Day is Ignaz Semmelweis Day

Farmer Podcast Club: Man Against Horse

Posted by Lilli Klamke on January 07, 2020

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. Man Against Horse: Radiolab Released Dec 27, 2019 This is a story about your butt. It’s a story about how you got your butt, why you have your butt, and how your butt might be one of the most important and essential things for you being you, for being human. Today, reporters Heather Radke and Matt Kielty talk to two researchers who followed the butt from our ancient beginnings, through millions of years of evolution, and all the way to today, out to a valley in Arizona, where our butts are … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club: Man Against Horse

Farmer Podcast Club: The Beauty Puzzle

Posted by Lilli Klamke on March 11, 2019

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. The Beauty Puzzle- Radiolab Released February 7, 2019 When a female animal is checking out her prospects, natural selection would dictate that she pay attention to how healthy, or strong, or fit he is. But when it comes to finding a mate, some animals seem to be engaged in a very different game. What if a female were looking for something else – something that has nothing to do with fitness? Something…beautiful? Today we explore a different way of looking at evolution and what it may mean for the course of science. This episode was reported by Robert Krulwich … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club: The Beauty Puzzle