Farmer Podcast Club:Dispatch 2: Every Day is Ignaz Semmelweis Day
Posted by Lilli Klamke on April 07, 2020
Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. Dispatch 2: Every Day is Ignaz Semmelweis Day– Radiolab Released April 1, 2020 It began with a tweet: “EVERY DAY IS IGNAZ SEMMELWEIS DAY.” Carl Zimmer — tweet author, acclaimed science writer and friend of the show — tells the story of a mysterious, deadly illness that struck 19th century Vienna, and the ill-fated hero who uncovered its cure … and gave us our best weapon (so far) against the current global pandemic. This episode was reported and produced with help from Bethel Habte and Latif Nasser. Listen to the … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club:Dispatch 2: Every Day is Ignaz Semmelweis Day