Tag Archives: processing

EVENT RECAP: Kootenay Farms Food Hub Tour

Posted by Hailey Troock on January 28, 2022 1 Comment

On Sunday, November 14th, the eighth event of the Young Agrarians 2021 Farm Club series took place virtually, offering viewers at home a tour of the Kootenay Farms Food Hub in Creston, unceded traditional territory of the Yaqan Nukiy. This event was a collaboration with Fields Forward Society. The tour provided an inside look at the new facility providing access to community-based processing equipment at affordable rates and an opportunity to ask the Hub’s Project Manager questions by chat on Zoom. The Kootenay Farms Regional Food Hub produces juices from fruits and vegetables, packaged vegetables for institutions, bottle jams, freeze-dry … Continue reading EVENT RECAP: Kootenay Farms Food Hub Tour

NOV 14, 2021: ONLINE, BC – Kootenay Farms Food Hub Tour

Posted by Hailey Troock on October 19, 2021

You’re invited to a virtual tour of the NEW Kootenay Farms Food Hub in Creston presented by Young Agrarians and Fields Forward Society. This is the eighth event of the Young Agrarians 2021 Farm Club event series. What is a Farm Club? A Farm Club is when farmers come together to connect and nerd out with other farmers. It can be on any topic the group wants to discuss and can take many different shapes and sizes. The goal of this tour is to provide farmers and food producers in the region with an inside look at the new facility … Continue reading NOV 14, 2021: ONLINE, BC – Kootenay Farms Food Hub Tour