Tag Archives: peas n’ carrots farm

AUG 14, 2022: SAANICH, BC – Farm Tour and Potluck at Peas n’ Carrots Farm

Posted by Azja Jones Martin on July 21, 2022

You’re invited to a Farm Tour and Potluck at Peas n’ Carrots Farm in Saanich, B.C! Want to connect with fellow farmers and food lovers? Come out to take a break, share food, and nerd out on farming on August 14th! Farmer Katie runs Peas n’ Carrots Farm on leased land she accessed through the B.C. Land Matching Program. Now in her second full year on the land, she grows mixed vegetables for a CSA, her onsite farm stand and two farmers’ markets. Production is focused on the food staples that keep Katie’s family fed and ignite a passion for … Continue reading AUG 14, 2022: SAANICH, BC – Farm Tour and Potluck at Peas n’ Carrots Farm