Tag Archives: Organic Farm Internships

APPRENTICESHIP: Earth Temple Gardens, Argenta, BC

Posted by Kristen Nammour on February 10, 2016

Two organic farm apprentices harvest in the fields at Earth Temple Gardens

Earth Temple Gardens has an opening for an apprentice who is interested in organic farming, has a friendly and cheerful personality, a sense of humour, loves food, and is motivated with lots of energy. Position: Organic Farm Apprenticeship with accommodation, food, stipend, more (See below) Organization:  Earth Temple Gardens Location: Argenta BC (North of Nelson BC) About Temple Earth Gardens: Located at the North end of Kootenay Lake, we are a young farm now entering our fourth season. We sell our certified organic produce made up of mixed vegetables, directly to wholesale clients with a retail custom box delivery program and we participate in the Kaslo … Continue reading APPRENTICESHIP: Earth Temple Gardens, Argenta, BC

CRAFT Ontario Organic Farming Internships

Posted by Sara Dent on January 28, 2014

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Position: Organic Farming Internships in Ontario Type: Full-time seasonal – for more details see the farm descriptions below Organization: CRAFT SW Ontario (www.craftontario.ca) Location: Southwestern Ontario If you’re ready for a full, hands-on experience that will immerse you in ecological farming then you’ve come to the right place. CRAFT Ontario is your gateway to a farming internship experience that will change your life. Whether your dream is to have your own organic farm one day or just want to learn some food-growing and hands-on skills that can be applied in other careers and lifestyles, a farming internship is … Continue reading CRAFT Ontario Organic Farming Internships