Tag Archives: nut trees

APR 27, 2024: BURTON, BC – Silvopasture Tour at McCormack Farm

Posted by Kim Watt on March 25, 2024

Join us for a farm tour and potluck at McCormack Farm in beautiful Burton, BC! With 175 acres in production, McCormack Farm is one of the largest farms in the region to be integrating silvopasture practices – the combination of tree crop production with rotationally-grazed livestock.  This 120-year-old farm is in the process of planting out their existing open pastures with tree species that provide fodder for animals, food for people, timber, and other long-term resources. These trees offer numerous other benefits, such as shelter for their livestock,  improved pasture quality, enhanced biodiversity, and increased resilience of their farm to … Continue reading APR 27, 2024: BURTON, BC – Silvopasture Tour at McCormack Farm

Land Matching in the Kootenays: The Story of Zero Fox Tree Crops

Posted by Hailey Troock on January 11, 2022

Krista and Brian are participants in the B.C. Land Matching Program, which provides land matching and business support services to new farmers looking for land to farm, as well as landholders interested in finding someone to farm their land. Visit the B.C. Land Matching Program page to learn more about the program and to find a Young Agrarians Land Matcher in your region. In 2019, I had the opportunity to meet Krista and Brian early on in the B.C. Land Matching Program’s work in the Kootenays. To start on their journey of growing and selling bare root nursery plants and seeds, the … Continue reading Land Matching in the Kootenays: The Story of Zero Fox Tree Crops