Tag Archives: NFU Youth

NFU 2019 Young Farmer Convergence – Apply To Attend

Posted by Dana Penrice on January 24, 2019

The National Farmers Union (NFU) Youth and in partnership with the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario is planning for the 2019 Young Farmer Convergence! The purpose for the gathering is to offer young farmers workshops, planning and skill-sharing. Our mission is to build capacity for young farmers to be part of an effective social movement and empower them with tools to employ creative solutions to the challenges posed by climate change! This event will bring together dozens of young farmers chosen from around Canada. Successful participants will learn about political organizing and social movements, climate action and agriculture and indigenous … Continue reading NFU 2019 Young Farmer Convergence – Apply To Attend

NFU-O Land Access Guide for Young Farmers in Ontario

Posted by Moss Dance on August 02, 2018

NFU-O Land Access Guide

The NFU-O (National Farmers Union of Ontario) has published the Young Agrarians Ontario Land Access Guide, thanks to funding from the Law Foundation of Ontario. The guide is an adaptation of the immensely popular Young Agrarians BC Land Access Guide. “Farmland in Ontario is amongst the most expensive in Canada with a provincial average of over $10,000 per acre. In Southwestern Ontario, farmland values are now averaging over $16,000 per acre,” noted Ayla Fenton, NFU-O Board member. “New farmers have to be more creative in finding land to grow their business. This guide highlights creative options for new farmers regarding … Continue reading NFU-O Land Access Guide for Young Farmers in Ontario

MAR 27 Young Agrarians & NFU Youth BARN MIXER – Wakefield, Quebec

Posted by Sara Dent on March 27, 2015

Version français a suivre:) Join Young Agrarians and National Farmers Union of Canada Youth in Wakefield, QC for an evening of networking, food and fun! GET INSPIRED by hearing about the work of young farmer coalitions in Canada and south of the border. Please join this event on Facebook and help us get the word out by inviting your people! Sophie Ackoff, Field Director for the National Young Farmers Coalition, will be speaking to to us about their  grassroots campaign to mobilize and empower young farmers across the United States, and how they have managed to successfully impact American agricultural … Continue reading MAR 27 Young Agrarians & NFU Youth BARN MIXER – Wakefield, Quebec

Alberta’s First Young Agrarians Mixer

Posted by Sara Dent on April 02, 2014

National Farm Union Youth gathered on Vancouver Island this past March at the same time as our Vancouver Island Mixer. The Alberta farmers who attended were super excited after the Mixer to gather farmers in their area. We’re stoked to be bringing farm folk together in Red Deer Alberta for a one day event. Join us and help spread the word! Find the event on Facebook here and invite all of your friends:) Click here to download the event flyer and share with your networks:

Farming as a Political Act

Posted by Shannon Jones on March 31, 2014 2 Comments

Amherst, Nova Scotia: When my partner Bryan and I were first starting Broadfork Farm, we took a farm business planning course (through Everdale). One of the classes was devoted to Risk Management. It sounded like it was going to be boring and dry, but instead it was one of my favourite parts of the business planning process. We were encouraged to think about all the different risks that could jeopardize our farm business. We listed weather risks, production risks, marketing risks, financial risks, personal relationship risks, and policy risks. For each risk, we needed to come up with actions to … Continue reading Farming as a Political Act

Reinstating Soil as Alberta’s First Natural Resource

Posted by Blake Hall on March 28, 2014 2 Comments

Blake Hall is herdsman for Prairie Gold Pastured Meats and runs a unique herdshare program which direct markets grass-finished beef and pastured pork into Red Deer and Calgary, AB. Blake recently attended the National Farm Union‘s Youth Retreat in Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island (BC) where he rocked out with us at the Young Agrarians Vancouver Island Mixer and we lassoed him into blogging.        The short grass prairie on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountain Range is Alberta’s first natural resource.  The great plains supported vast numbers of bison and sustained the First Nations for millennia.  Sixty years … Continue reading Reinstating Soil as Alberta’s First Natural Resource

Growing Resistance in Ottawa and other upcoming events

Posted by Alex on October 23, 2013

Hey Young Agrarians, Hope you have all had a great growing season. Please check out the upcoming events listed below (note they are all happening in Ontario/Quebec, one is a webcast) and share with anyone you think may be interested. The National Farmers Union and Food Secure Canada both really encourage participation of young farmers/food system activists in their organizations and at their events.  You can connect with the Food Secure Canada Youth (30 and under) Caucus through the new FSC website and with the National Farmers Union Youth (35 and under) Caucus by contacting Cammie (cammie@waldegrave.org) or Alex (alexchisholmfletcher@gmail.com). … Continue reading Growing Resistance in Ottawa and other upcoming events

International Day of Peasants’ Struggles – NFU Youth

Posted by Sara Dent on April 17, 2013

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                                                                       April 17, 2013 Today, the NFU joins its’ sister organization La Via Campesina- the international movement of small farmers- to commemorate the 1996 massacre of 19 landless Brazilian farmers who were demanding access to land and justice. “We honor their sacrifice by relentlessly continuing our work to reclaim food systems from global corporations seeking to control food and farmers,” says Cammie Harbottle, NFU Youth President. In Canada, the assault on farm livelihoods and family farms is the result of economic measures rather than physical violence, according to Harbottle. “With less than eight percent of Canadian farmers under … Continue reading International Day of Peasants’ Struggles – NFU Youth

The NFU and The Nouveau Youth of Canadian Agriculture

Posted by Alex on January 08, 2013 1 Comment

A few years ago my partner and I started a small market garden, Wind Whipped Farm, on Southern Vancouver Island. Like many new farmers, we didn’t come from farming backgrounds, didn’t have much money and had only a few years experience working on a farm. Critically, we had support from other farmers in our community who shared their time, knowledge, equipment, and manure.  They helped us get started and encouraged us to keep going.  Our experience made us realize how crucial it is to be part of a community of farmers: to learn from each other, to help each other … Continue reading The NFU and The Nouveau Youth of Canadian Agriculture