Tag Archives: Natural Cheese

DEC 19: Introduction to Natural Cheese Making Workshop, Victoria, BC

Posted by Kristen Nammour on December 15, 2015

I met Natural Cheesemaker David Asher last spring at Bullock Lake Farm on Salt Spring Island. My partner and I were at the farm to set up part of our research project on Keyline water management. Bullock Lake Farm is a microcosm of young agrarian ingenuity, with a successful internship program, several research projects, two CSA programs (food and flowers), animals on pasture, and much more. Every time we’ve been there we’ve met incredible young farmers, like David, who are passionate about the culture of food. David Asher is a farmer, and farmstead cheesemaker, more particularly a natural cheesemaker. His … Continue reading DEC 19: Introduction to Natural Cheese Making Workshop, Victoria, BC