Tag Archives: marketing for farmers

FEB 21, 2024: ONLINE – How to Market a New Farm with Kendall Ballantine

Posted by Kat Roger on January 09, 2024 2 Comments

Join Kendall Ballantine, the founder of Marketing for Farmers and Central Park Farms to learn about how to market your new farm business. What’s the best marketing channel for your farm? Weekly CSA boxes, farmers’ markets, online sales, events or all of the above and more? Join this webinar to learn about the marketing channels available to entrant (and seasoned) farmers. You will learn about the pros and cons of each marketing channel, and develop the skills to identify which marketing channel(s) will best meet the needs of your farm and your customer base. We will share tips, tricks and … Continue reading FEB 21, 2024: ONLINE – How to Market a New Farm with Kendall Ballantine

DIY Website Toolkit for Farmers & Food Producers: Ecommerce Tricks, Tips & Tools!

Posted by Hailey Troock on April 21, 2020 4 Comments

young agrarians, ecommerce, websites, farmers

20 minute read Are you looking to move your business online, transition from what you’re currently using, or integrate Point of Sale with your online sales for your farm or food business? This article will provide a toolkit for farmers and food producers who would like to build or manage their own online business, or be better equipped to work with a web or marketing professional. Consultants and agencies can be hired to build your site for you or customize certain aspects of plug-and-play software or standard theme designs. Marketing professionals can help you build out an amazing plan and … Continue reading DIY Website Toolkit for Farmers & Food Producers: Ecommerce Tricks, Tips & Tools!