Tag Archives: Grow Biointensive

FARM THE BASIN: Back to the Biointensive Basics with the Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living (VIDEO)

Posted by Hailey Troock on February 01, 2019

Sharon and James are sustainable mini-farmers, natural builders, and environmentalists. Over the last five years they have been on a journey to become self-reliant and to transition towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Amongst meeting and learning from a variety of experts in their fields, as interns at Ecology Action they studied under John Jeavons to learn how to not only grow their own complete diet, but to bring sustainable agriculture back to their community as teachers. All of their experiences have led them back to what’s most important: to help build a strong, healthy community of localized and sustainable living. … Continue reading FARM THE BASIN: Back to the Biointensive Basics with the Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living (VIDEO)