Tag Archives: Grains

LAND OPPORTUNITY: Turn-key Feed Mill Operation & Farmland – Dawson Creek, BC

Posted by Darcy Smith on June 09, 2023

We always have new land opportunities coming into our inventory, some of which aren’t on our blog yet! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at bclmp@youngagrarians.org to learn about the latest opportunities and to access free B.C. Land Matching Program services in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This turn-key feed mill operation with farmland in Dawson Creek is now available for lease! The farm is 31 acres in total, featuring a feed mill, a farm yard, a house and 20 acres of hay fields for cultivation. This family-run business has been in operation for 40 years, supplying local hobby … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: Turn-key Feed Mill Operation & Farmland – Dawson Creek, BC

Sept. 15 – Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living Presents: For the love of bread! How we grow grains using biointensive techniques

Posted by Hailey Troock on August 08, 2018

Join us at the Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living’s Biointensive Center in Meadowbrook BC (Near Kimberley) for an event themed around bread production! Sharon and James will feature a mini-workshop that details all of the steps they take to grow grains using biointensive techniques. The tour and the workshop will be followed by potluck.  Date: Saturday, September 15, 2018 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Biointensive Center, 2371 Thomason Rd in Meadowbrook near Kimberely, BC Directions: Turn on to Thomason Rd and keep straight. Their driveway is on the right just before hideaway kennels. We’ll post signs to make it easy for guests. More about Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living and their Biointensive … Continue reading Sept. 15 – Kootenay Society for Sustainable Living Presents: For the love of bread! How we grow grains using biointensive techniques

FARM JOB: COBOURG, ON – Headwaters Farm

Posted by Moss Dance on May 31, 2018

Headwaters Farm

Want to be a farm educator and tour guide? This farm job at Headwaters Farm near Cobourg, ON offers opportunities to educate the public, and  help out in a permaculture garden. ABOUT HEADWATERS FARM Mixed organic (not certified) with 1.5 acres market garden, permaculture garden, laying hens, meat chickens, goats and bees. We have 120 acres with 70 planted in vegetable, hay, oats, barley, malting barley and cover crop. We are in the rolling hills of Northumberland County, high above Port Hope and Cobourg with a view of Lake Ontario. We sell on farm but mostly off-farm at 2 farmer’s … Continue reading FARM JOB: COBOURG, ON – Headwaters Farm

LAND: Al and Helene at Breadroot Farm [FILLED]

Posted by Moss Dance on July 01, 2016

Land Saskatchewan Breadroot Farm

Editor’s note: This Land/Community Farm Opportunity with Al and Hélène of Breadroot Farm comes via Kayleigh Donahue at the XY Hemp Corporation. Breadroot Farm in Saskatchewan is seeking collaborative young farmers to join in their organic grain, veggie and grassfed beef operation. Read on to learn more about these very experienced & skilled farmers!  By Kayleigh Donahue In every blog post, I try to show our gratitude for the many people who have supported us in our venture. There is no one we are more grateful for than Al Boyko and Hélène Tremblay-Boyko. They have provided us with access to land, welcomed us into their home, … Continue reading LAND: Al and Helene at Breadroot Farm [FILLED]