July 15-17: Syilx Territory – BC Food Systems Network Gathering
Posted by Moss Dance on June 21, 2016
The 18th annual BC Food Systems Network Gathering will be July 15 – 17, 2016 in Syilx Territory at the En’owkin Centre near Penticton, BC Each year since 1999 the BC Food Systems Network has gathered somewhere in BC to share knowledge, experience, and wisdom from the grassroots. This annual Gathering is a celebration of our food systems. Gathering together connects and re-energizes some of the amazing people around BC and across Canada working on food security and food sovereignty. The BC Food Systems Network Gathering blends plenaries, workshops, and presentations with unstructured time and space to encourage formal and informal sharing, socializing … Continue reading July 15-17: Syilx Territory – BC Food Systems Network Gathering