Tag Archives: Farm-to-Institution

UBC Farm: From a Student-Run Initiative to Leading a Farm-to-Institution Movement

Posted by Sara Dent on August 05, 2014

Introduction Since its re-invention in 1999, the UBC Farm has evolved from a small-scale market garden, run solely by dedicated students and volunteers, to a fully operational, organically managed, mixed vegetable production farm which supplies three weekly markets, an 80-person Community Supported Agriculture Program, and numerous direct sales to restaurants, including a total of $20,000 in sales to UBC Food Services on UBC Campus in 2013. UBC Farm Market Stand 2001 In recognition of UBC’s advanced Farm to Institution programming, UBC became the first ever University recipient of the Golden Carrot award, bestowed by Farm to Cafeteria Canada in 2012 in recognition of … Continue reading UBC Farm: From a Student-Run Initiative to Leading a Farm-to-Institution Movement