Tag Archives: farm podcast

Farmer Podcast Club: Dave Pratt – Monuments to Tax Avoidance

Posted by Lilli Klamke on November 12, 2019

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. Dave Pratt – Monuments to Tax Avoidance- Working Cows Released Nov 4, 2019 Dave Pratt, President Emeritus of Ranch Management Consultants, joined me to talk about the lengths to which people will go to avoid paying taxes. We talk about strategies for using that same capital to turn a bigger profit and what is the definition of a truly healthy business. I also had a unique opportunity to capture Dave’s thoughts on lessons he has learned in two plus decades of leading RMC, the parent company of the Ranching for Profit … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club: Dave Pratt – Monuments to Tax Avoidance

Farmer Podcast Club: A Cynical Farmer Rebuffed

Posted by Lilli Klamke on April 08, 2019

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. e107: A Cynical Farmer Rebuffed- The Ruminant: By Jordan Marr Released Feb 21, 2019 My guest this ep is Stefan Morales, producer of the Working Together podcast. Stefan and I both care about food and farming. I brought my passions to farming; he took his into the non-profit and government sphere. We compare notes, things get mildly awkward, and a farmer’s heart grows by a couple of sizes. Or: a guy with good insights about the workings of bureaucracy offers advice for reformers about how to engage with it. Listen to the full episode: … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club: A Cynical Farmer Rebuffed

Farmer Podcast Club: 338- Crude Habitat

Posted by Lilli Klamke on February 20, 2019

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode. Tractor Time Episode 11: John Kempf, Founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture  Released Jan 23, 2019 Santa Barbara, California, is a famously beautiful place, but if you look offshore from one of the city’s many beaches, you’ll see a series of artificial structures that stand out against the natural blue horizon. These oil platforms are at the center of a complicated debate going on right now within the environmental community about the relationship between nature and human infrastructure. Listen to the full episode: https://www.acresusa.com/pages/tractor-time-podcast Subscribe to 99% Invisible on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/99-invisible/id394775318?mt=2&i=1000428280364 Share This … Continue reading Farmer Podcast Club: 338- Crude Habitat