Tag Archives: farm jobs guelph

FARM JOB: Guelph, Ontario – Ignatius Farm, Farm Associates

Posted by Michalina Hunter on February 12, 2021

ignatius farm staff, guelph

Ignatius Farm in Guelph, Ontario is seeking Farm Associates for the 2021 season! ABOUT Ignatius Farm Ignatius Farm, an integral part of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre, grows certified organic produce for Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) members, farmers’ markets, local businesses and service agencies. Programs include community gardens, community orchard, acreage rentals, internships and farmer training, working shares, volunteer opportunities, and seasonal community events. Interested in regenerative agriculture? Join the Ignatius Farm located just north of Guelph Ontario! DESIRED QUALITIES EXPERIENCE Knowledge and/or hands on in gardening, ecological farming, greenhouse production, or other field work; use of basic tools Commitment to … Continue reading FARM JOB: Guelph, Ontario – Ignatius Farm, Farm Associates