OCT 3, 2021: LANGFORD, BC – Land Social at Lohbrunner Community Farm Co-op
Posted by Azja Jones Martin on September 08, 2021
You’re invited to a socially-distanced outdoor Land Social at Lohbrunner Community Farm Co-op in Langford, B.C.! If you’re curious about what land matching and sharing is all about – or just want to check out what your local farmers and farm interns are up to – join us for the event. This event will tour Lohbrunner Community Farm, a cooperatively managed farm owned by FarmFolk CityFolk, which includes garden space for core co-op members as well as two market garden operations. We’ll tour the farm, network, and look at the steps to building a successful land sharing relationship. Your regional … Continue reading OCT 3, 2021: LANGFORD, BC – Land Social at Lohbrunner Community Farm Co-op