Tag Archives: ecovillage

LAND OPPORTUNITY: Unique Land-Share at OUR ECOVILLAGE – Shawnigan Lake, BC

Posted by Kiyomi Ito on March 30, 2023

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND OUR ECOVILLAGE is a 25-acre Regenerative Living Demonstration, Research Center, and Bioregional School hosting a land-based permaculture learning community. Established in 1999, OUR vision is sustainable well-being for the land, ourselves, and our worldwide village. As a non-profit cooperative, there are plenty of different activities and stakeholders functioning within this ‘co-working’ space. With livestock/poultry, food forests, greenhouses, raised beds, row crops, berries, herbs, and a small … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: Unique Land-Share at OUR ECOVILLAGE – Shawnigan Lake, BC

FARM JOB: SALT SPRING ISLAND, BC – Golden Tree Farm, Lead Farmer

Posted by Michalina Hunter on September 09, 2019

golden tree farm, salt spring island, farm job

Golden Tree Farm on Salt Spring Island, BC is seeking a Lead Farmer for their Market Garden Operation! About Golden Tree Farm Golden Tree Farm is a family farm and a small intentional community located on Salt Spring Island, B.C. We steward over 30 acres in berry fruit, orchard, meadow, hay, mixed vegetables, hogs and chickens as well as small patches of mixed forest and wetland. We house 4 long term house- holds as well as temporary workers/volunteers. We are looking for an experienced professional farmer to manage the annual vegetable and flower production for our 20 member CSA, and our very popular … Continue reading FARM JOB: SALT SPRING ISLAND, BC – Golden Tree Farm, Lead Farmer

Farm Co-op Initiative on Southern Vancouver Island seeks Farmers

Posted by Jordan Marr on December 29, 2012 1 Comment

A good friend, colleague, raw dairy advocate, and all-around bovine enthusiast recently sent me the below announcement about the group she co-founded that intends to establish a farm-based community on Southern Vancouver Island. More details can be read on the group’s blog. OUR VISION OF A COMMUNITY FARM In order to address our concerns about the future integrity of our planet, we want and intend to create together a way of life that encourages people to learn and grow toward a more sustainable future. We envision an interdependent, cooperative and learning community that strives to: preserve and protect the land and water; provide … Continue reading Farm Co-op Initiative on Southern Vancouver Island seeks Farmers