Tag Archives: Duck Creek Farm

Business Mentorship – Lessons Learned: Duck Creek Farm

Posted by Kristen Nammour on December 12, 2016

1. Name, Farm, Location? Emma Holmes, Duck Creek Farm, Salt Spring Island. I stepped in as farm manager for my friend Eland Brontstein, who took a year to farm in Australia and be with his lovely fiancé. 2. What were your goals for this season and how did you work to achieve those? Explore farming as a career option, get experience in all of the skills related to farming (marketing, finances, flame weeding, etc.), and create a positive intern experience 3. Did you meet your goals / Did it work out? I learnt a lot! It allowed me to try … Continue reading Business Mentorship – Lessons Learned: Duck Creek Farm

Business Mentorship Network – Emma Holmes, Duck Creek Farm

Posted by Kristen Nammour on May 21, 2016

smiling new farmer emma holmes and mentor, delisa lewis, apart of young agrarians business mentorship network

My name is Emma Holmes and I am co-managing Duck Creek Farm on Salt Spring Island. This is the same farm I got my start in market gardening 8 years ago, and I feel real lucky to be back growing food in this beautiful place. I’m co-farming with Sue Earle, who courageously took over Duck Creek Farm with grace, gusto, and determination after her partner John Wilcox passed away in 2012. John was my mentor in 2008 and his passion for growing food and building a just and sustainable food system carved me. I’m lucky to have worked alongside him … Continue reading Business Mentorship Network – Emma Holmes, Duck Creek Farm