Tag Archives: Cowichan

NOV 16, 2024: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

Posted by Danika Watson on October 18, 2024

GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access! Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together land seekers and landholders to network, explore possible land matches and learn how to navigate land sharing and lease agreements. This workshop will feature a panel discussion where you will hear from matched farmers and farmland holders, plus a land access expert. Panelists will highlight key considerations for building and maintaining mutually beneficial land agreements.  You will learn the … Continue reading NOV 16, 2024: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

SEP 24, 2024: DUNCAN, BC – Field Day at Quw’utsun Food System Revitalization Project

Posted by Michalina Hunter on August 28, 2024

Come experience Indigenous food system revitalization and estuary restoration at the Quw’utsun estuary in Duncan, BC!  Join Jared Qwustenuxun Williams, Tom Reid from the Nature Trust of BC, Jennifer Grenz from UBC Indigenous Ecology Lab, and Kristen Miskelly from Satinflower Nurseries for a field day at the Quw’utsun Estuary Food System Revitalization and Estuary Restoration Project! We will start with a plant walk, learn about the project, and enjoy a meal together. If the timing and weather align, we may get to collect some native plant seeds. Everyone is welcome to attend. DATE: September 24, 2024. 10am-2pm LOCATION: Quw’utsun territory. … Continue reading SEP 24, 2024: DUNCAN, BC – Field Day at Quw’utsun Food System Revitalization Project

We called it Sum-nuw

Posted by Jared Qwustenuxun Williams on July 17, 2024

We called it Sum-nuw

There is an island in the Salish Sea that connects to another smaller Island. These two Islands are connected by two long sandy beaches that surround a lagoon that is situated directly between the islands. Not many places on our coast are more appealing for a canoe village site. There are a dozen or so soft sand landing sites all around the smaller island and even in the small lagoon. Hundreds of canoes would have once lined these beaches. Cooking fires would cover the rocky places processing an endless amount of shellfish that would grow on the sandy shoreline. There … Continue reading We called it Sum-nuw

My very first sp’e’qum tu speenhw

Posted by Jared Qwustenuxun Williams on June 17, 2024

Many of us GenX/Millennials were taught in grade school that Indigenous people were basic hunter gatherers, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Speenhw* is great example of Indigenous agriculture, or permaculture, or maybe just culture. See speenhw is grown in p’hwulhp* meadows and grasslands which date back thousands of years. Dendrochronological data, basically the rings found in the p’hwulhp, show annual burning of the grasslands going back generations. Burning that made way for the speenhw to grow. Certain family members would specialize in looking after their family’s fields. By breaking apart the dirt into square mats, and rolling … Continue reading My very first sp’e’qum tu speenhw

The Salish Apocalypse

Posted by Jared Qwustenuxun Williams on June 03, 2024

Jared Qwustenuxun Williams

It’s hard to fully imagine what happened here, on Turtle Island when the Hwunitum* arrived. But, in order to understand the current state of Indigenous Cultures we must understand, not only where it comes from, but what it went through to survive. Any Indigenous culture that exists under colonialism has had to suffer and endure to still exist in any form today. As if germ warfare, directly stealing land, and gunboat diplomacy weren’t enough. Our cultures further endured over a hundred years of anti Indigenous ‘kill the Indian save the child’ education, a full on multi generational potlatch ban that … Continue reading The Salish Apocalypse

NOV 18, 2023: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

Posted by Kat Roger on October 16, 2023

LOOKING FOR THE FALL 2024 LAND LINKING WORKSHOP? CLICK HERE:   NOV 16, 2024: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP ______________________________________________________________ GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access. Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together landholders and farmers seeking land to network, explore possible land matches, and learn how to navigate land sharing and lease agreements. Our B.C. Land Matching Program Manager Darcy Smith and our Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands Land Matcher, … Continue reading NOV 18, 2023: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern

Posted by Michalina Hunter on May 25, 2022

Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm in Duncan, British Columbia is seeking a Farm Worker/Intern! ABOUT Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm Boots ‘n’ Roots farm grows over 25 different veggie and herb crops, and concentrates on doing a lot of fall/winter farming, as we have 3 large commercial greenhouses to grow in over the winter. We rarely use large machinery, as we work on being as gentle on the land as possible – we are a regenerative farm, not just sustainable. We sell our product at the Duncan Farmers’ Market each week, plus two local online forums, and a small CSA … Continue reading FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern

[FILLED] FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 24, 2022

This position has been filled. View more Farm Jobs and Apprenticeships on our Job Board Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm in Duncan, British Columbia is seeking a Farm Worker/Intern! ABOUT Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm Boots ‘n’ Roots farm grows over 25 different veggie and herb crops, and concentrates on doing a lot of fall/winter farming, as we have 3 large commercial greenhouses to grow in over the winter. We rarely use large machinery, as we work on being as gentle on the land as possible – we are a regenerative farm, not just sustainable. We sell our product at … Continue reading [FILLED] FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern

FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern

Posted by Michalina Hunter on September 28, 2021

Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm in Duncan, British Columbia is seeking a Farm Worker/Intern! ABOUT Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm Boots ‘n’ Roots farm grows over 25 different veggie and herb crops, and concentrates on doing a lot of fall/winter farming, as we have 3 large commercial greenhouses to grow in over the winter. We rarely use large machinery, as we work on being as gentle on the land as possible – we are a regenerative farm, not just sustainable. We sell our product at the Duncan Farmers’ Market each week, plus two local online forums, and a small CSA … Continue reading FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern

[FILLED] FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern

Posted by Michalina Hunter on July 13, 2021

This position has been filled. View more Farm Jobs and Apprenticeships on our Job Board Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm in Duncan, British Columbia is seeking a Farm Worker/Intern! ABOUT Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm Boots ‘n’ Roots farm grows over 25 different veggie and herb crops, and concentrates on doing a lot of fall/winter farming, as we have 3 large commercial greenhouses to grow in over the winter. We rarely use large machinery, as we work on being as gentle on the land as possible – we are a regenerative farm, not just sustainable. We sell our product at … Continue reading [FILLED] FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Boots ‘n’ Roots Permaculture Farm, Farm Worker/Intern